
System Element

Title System Element - System Elements
Usage A System Element represents an internal or external item (e.g. a soft-or hardware element, an organizational entity) in the System Breakdown Structure.
  • System Architect
  • System Designer
ID Type Default Title Usage
number String Number
title String Title
description Text Description
Source ID Cardinality Target Remarks
System Element affectedby one2many Stakeholder
System Element allocates one2many Functions
System Element applies one2many Normative Docments
System Element connectedto one2many System Interfaces
System Element dividedinto one2many System Elements Foreward (down) link in the System Breakdown Structure
System Element includedin one2one System Element Reverse (up) link in the System Breakdown Structure
System Element contains one2many Risks
System Element followsfrom one2many Decisions
System Element forces one2many Requirements
System Element hasinputs one2many Interface Items
System Element hasoutputs one2many Inteface Items
System Element leadsto one2many Decisions
System Element madeupofrom one2many Equipment
System Element specidiedby one2many Requirements
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  • metamodel/ddo/systemelement.txt
  • Last modified: 12 months ago
  • by maho