

Title Equipment / Equipment
Usage equipment describes a physical object in the real world that implements a system element.
  • Equipment Manager
ID Type Properties Default Title Usage
number String length: 255 Number
title String length: 255 Title
description Text Description
quantity Value 0 Quantity
unitEnumeration pcs Quantity
weightValue unit: kg
decimals: 0
minimum: 0
maximum: 999999
0 Weight
heightValue unit: mm
decimals: 0
minimum: 0
maximum: 999999
0 Height
widthValue unit: mm
decimals: 0
minimum: 0
maximum: 999999
0 Width
lengthValue unit: mm
decimals: 0
minimum: 0
maximum: 999999
0 Length
cogxValue unit: mm
decimals: 0
minimum: 0
maximum: 999999
0 X (COG) X coordinate of the center of gravity
cogyValue unit: mm
decimals: 0
minimum: 0
maximum: 999999
0 Y (COG) Y coordinate of the center of gravity
cogzValue unit: mm
decimals: 0
minimum: 0
maximum: 999999
0 Z (COG) Z coordinate of the center of gravity
materialnumber String length: 255 Material Number
mtbf Value unit: h
decimals: 0
minimum: 0
maximum: 999999
0 Mean time between failure
mttr Value unit: h
decimals: 0
minimum: 0
maximum: 999999
0 Mean time to repair
Source ID Cardinality Target Remarks
Equipment applies one2many Normative Documents
Equipment connectedto one2many Interface
Equipment followsfrom one2many Decisions
Equipment implements one2one System Element
Equipment leadsto one2many Decisions
Equipment specifiedby one2many Requirements
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  • metamodel/ddo/equipment.txt
  • Last modified: 7 months ago
  • by maho