
Installation Site

Title Installation Site / Installation Sites
Usage An Installation Site is part of the physical breakdown structure and defines the installation location for one or more equipments.
  • Equipment Manager
ID Type Default Title Usage
number String Number Contains the designation of the installation site, e.g. the room code.
title String Title
description Text Description
Source ID Cardinality Target Roles
Installation Site [IS] contains one2many Equipments [ET]
Instllation Site [IS]containsone2many Installation Site [IS] Used to build a hierarchy of installation sites, e.g. floor or deck [IS] contains room [IS]
Installation Site [IS] leads to one2many Risks [RK]
Installation Site [IS]specified byone2many Requirements [RT]
Equipment [ET]included inone2one Installation Site [IS]
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  • metamodel/ddo/installtionsite.txt
  • Last modified: 12 months ago
  • by maho