
Running RePoSyD from the Command Line

The following description assumes that RePosyD is installed in the c:\reposyd directory. If this is not the case, please change paths or install reposyd with the following command.

Step 0: Install RePoSyD

C:\> reposyd install c:\reposyd -p <mypassword>

Step 1: Start RePoSyD'S API Server

Open a command prompt and enter the following command:

C:\> reposyd server api c:\reposyd\config\reposyd.json
info: config file: c:\reposyd\config\reposyd.json
info: authentification (plugin) - service started
info: mail service (plugin) - service started
warn: mail service (plugin) - service disabled! configuration not found
info: service started
info: session manager (plugin) - url: sqlite:c:/reposyd/data/database?database=reposyd.sqlite
info: event handler (plugin) - event handler started
info: services started
info: server - registration of built-in request handlers started
info: request handler for configuration management
info: server - registration of built-in request handlers completed
info: server - registration of custom request handlers started
info: server - registration of custom request handlers completed
info: server - restify listening at url

Step 2: Start RePoSyD' Web Application Server

To run RePoSyD's Web Application Server, open a command prompt and enter the following command:

C:\> reposyd server app c:\reposyd\app
info: application folder D:\reposyd\app
info: http connections only
info: application server listening at: http://[::]:8080/

Open a browser of your choice and enter the following URL http://localhost.8080.

RePoSyD Start PageFig. 1

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  • manual/running/commandline.txt
  • Last modified: 17 months ago
  • by maho