Table of Contents


Title Function - Functions
Usage The Design Data Object Function is used to describe a function allocated to a system element. The function must achived a defined result specified by a requirement.

Required Roles


ID Type Default Title Usage
number String Number
title String Title
description Text Description
Source ID Cardinality Target Remarks
Function alloctedto one2many System Elements
Function applies one2many Normative Documents
Function dividedinto one2many Functions Foreward (down) link in the functional breakdown structure.
Function includedin one2one Function Reverse (up) link in the functional breakdown structure
Function contains one2many Risks
Function followsfrom one2many Decisions
Function hasinputs one2many Interface Items
Function hasoutputs one2many Interface Items
Function leadsto one2many Decisions
Function requiredfor one2many Capabilities
Function specifiedby one2many Requirements