
Running RePoSyD as a Windows Service

The installation of the service described here requires a directory structure and configuration files created with the help of the RePoSyD CLI. For further information read Installing the RePoSyD REST API

Open a command prompt and enter the following command

C:\> reposyd service install c:\temp\reposyd\service
  loc: 'winsw.js ~line 77',
  xml: [
  logmode: 'rotate',
    logging: undefined,
    allowServiceLogon: undefined
info: service installation successful.


Installing multiple Instances of the Service

In order to install multiple instance, use the option –name to specify an individual name of the service.

C:\> reposyd service install c:\temp\reposyd\service1 --name RePoSyDService1

C:\> reposyd service install c:\temp\reposyd\service2 --name RePoSyDService2


Open a command prompt and enter the following command

C:\> reposyd service install c:\temp\reposyd\service
info: service uninstalled.

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  • manual/running/windowsservice.txt
  • Last modified: 18 months ago
  • by maho