Table of Contents

Installing RePoSyD on Windows

  1. Install Node.js and YARN.
  2. Install the RePoSyD Command Line Interface (CLI) from the RePoSyD registry.
  3. Use the RePoSyD CLI to install the RePoSyD services on your computer.
  4. Run RePoSyD as a Service or from the Command Line.


Step 1: Download Node.js installer

Open your favorite web browser, navigate to and download the Installer for the 64-bit version of Node.js ( Alternative you can use the ZIP-version ( for the installation.

Step 2: Installing Node.js

Once the download is completed, open the installer to start the installation. Fig. 1: Node.js Installer

Click on Next until you reach the step “Tools for Native Modules”. Click on the checkbox to enable the installation of additional build tools. Step "Tools for Native ModulesFig. 2

Automatically install necessary tools

The installation of RePoSyD will fail, if this option is not activated!

Step 3: Verify the installation

After completion of the installer, open a command prompt (or PowerShell) and enter the following:

C:\> node -v

The system should display the Node.js version installed on your system.

C:\> node -v

YARN (Package Manager)

Step 1: Installing YARN as a global Node.js package

Open a command prompt (or PowerShell), and enter the following:

C:\> npm install -g yarn

Installing YARN behind a Proxy Server

If RePoSyD is installed in a corporate environment, you may need to configure NPM to provide authentication for the proxy server. Open a command shell and enter the following commands to configure NPM to use an HTTP and/or HTTPS proxy.

$ npm config set proxy http://username:password@host:port
$ npm config set https-proxy http://username:password@host:port

Or add the settings directly to your ~/.npmrc file:


Step 2: Verify the install

After completion of the installer, enter the following:

C:\> yarn -v

The system should display the YARN version installed on your system.

C:\> yarn -v

RePoSyD CLI (Command Line Interface)

Step 1: Installing as a global Node.js package

Open a command prompt (or PowerShell), and enter the following:

C:\> yarn config set registry 
yarn config v1.22.19
success Set "registry" to "".
Done in 0.04s.

C:\> yarn global add @reposyd/cli
yarn global v1.22.19
[1/4] Resolving packages...
[4/4] Building fresh packages...
success Installed "@reposyd/cli@1.5.1" with binaries:
      - reposyd
Done in 42.99s.

The installation of @reposyd\cli as a global package may fail, if you are using nvm to manage your Node.js versions. In this case use npm for the installation.

$ npm config set registry 

$ npm i -g @reposyd/cli

Installing @reposyd/cli behind a Proxy Server

If RePoSyD is installed in a corporate environment, you may need to configure YARN to provide authentication for the proxy server. Open a command shell and enter the following commands to configure NPM to use an HTTP and/or HTTPS proxy.

$ yarn config set proxy http://username:password@host:port
$ yarn config set https-proxy http://username:password@host:port

Or add the settings directly to your ~/.yarnrc file:


Step 2: Verify Installation

C:\> reposyd -V


RePoSyD Services


Open a command prompt and run the following command:

C:\> reposyd install c:\temp\reposyd
info: root folder 'c:/temp/reposyd' created.
info: intalling RePoSyD packages...
info: RePoSyD packages installation completed
info: creating RePoSyD configuration file...
info: initializing repository...
info: initialization completed
url      sqlite:c:/temp/reposyd/database?database=reposyd.sqlite
schema   0.34.0
account  admin
password gukidaka
uuid     {e6700c3e-f17f-455f-a6a0-92d45dadd3ab}

Automatically Generated Password

Do not forget to write down the automatically generated password.

If you don't want to use an autogenerated password, you specify your own password using the CLI option –password.

C:\> reposyd install c:\temp\reposyd --password <mypassword>

For more information, see RePoSyD CLI.

Folder Structure

The following folder structure is created for running the RePoSyD Services:

Folder Content
<root> Root folder of the installation.
app Contains the files of the RePoSyD Web Application
config Configuration files, e.g. RePoSyD API config.
backup Location of backup files.
database Location of the database files.
log Log files
templates Templates for email generation.
service Contains the files for running the RePoSyD REST API and Win/Mac service

RePoSyD Web Application

Manual Installation

The RePoSyD web application is normally installed during the installation of the RePoSyD REST API. To install the application manually, open a command prompt and run the following command:

C:\> reposyd app install c:\inetpub\wwwroot
info: RePoSyD App installation completed


Microsoft IIS (Web Server) Configuration

RePoSyD requires the installation of the following IIS server functions:

The following URL rewrite rules need to be set up for RePoSyD:

URL Pattern Target
http(s)://<servername>/api ^api/(.*){R:1} The request is redirected to RePoSyD and /api is removed from the URL. A query string remains unchanged (option append query string enabled)
http(s)://servername>/auth ^auth/(.*){R:1} The request is redirect to RePoSyD and remains unchanged (option append query string enabled).

nginx Configuration

location /api/ {
	rewrite ^/api/?(.*) /$1 break;
location /auth {
	proxy_set_header Host            $host:$server_port;
	proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
	proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;