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You can prepare an installation to run RePoSyD as an operating server or run RePoSyD without installing a web server or reverse proxy. <cli prompt="C:\> "> C:\> reposyd ____ ____ ____ ____ | _ \ ___| _ \ ___/ ___| _ _| _ \ | |_) / _ \ |_) / _ \___ \| | | | | | | | _ < __/ __/ (_) |__) | |_| | |_| | |_| \_\___|_| \___/____/ \__, |____/ |___/ Usage: reposyd [options] [command] The command line interface (CLI) for RePoSyD Options: -h, --help display help for command Commands: account manage team member accounts app manage the installtion of the web appplication config get or set configuration settings import import design data member manage team members in a project project manage projects, e.g. create new project, open or close existing projects... repository create new or manage existing repositories role manage roles schema check, patch or provide information about the repository schema script manage export and report scripts server manage local a REST API and application server service manage RePoSyD as a Windows Service template manage templates init [options] <folder> create the default folder structure and installs required packages help [command] display help for command </cli> See help for any command: <cli prompt="C:\> "> C:\> reposyd [command] --help </cli> ===== Installation ===== RePoSyD CLI is installed as a global package from the [[|RePoSyD registry]] unsing YARN. Open a command prompt (or PowerShell), and enter the following: <cli prompt="C:\> "> C:\> yarn config set registry global add @reposyd/cli </cli> ===== Updating ===== Rerun the installation to update @reposyd/cli to the latest version. ===== Commands ==== ==== Account ==== <cli prompt="$ "> $ reposyd account -h Usage: reposyd account [options] [command] Manage team member accounts at the repository level. Options: -h, --help display help for command Commands: add [options] <account> <lastname> <firstname> <email> Adds a team member account to the repository list [options] Lists the accounts of team members in the repository password [options] <account> [password] Sets the password for the team member account help [command] display help for command </cli> ==== App ==== <cli prompt="$ "> $ reposyd app -h Usage: reposyd app [options] [command] Manage the installation of the RePoSyD web appplication Options: -h, --help display help for command Commands: check [options] <folder> checks if updates are available for RePoSyD web application in specified folder install [options] <folder> installs the RePoSyD web application in the specified folder help [command] display help for command </cli> **Uninstalling the application** Simply delete the corresponding folder, to uninstall the application. ==== Config ==== <cli prompt="$ "> $ reposyd config -h Usage: reposyd config [options] [command] Get or set project configuration settings Options: -h, --help display help for command Commands: get [options] <project> [keys...] get configuration settings keys [options] <project> retrieve a list of keys for the configuration settings restore [options] <project> <keys...> restores the default value set [options] <project> <key> [value] set configuration settings help [command] display help for command </cli> ==== Import ==== <cli prompt="$ "> $ reposyd import -h Usage: reposyd import [options] [command] Import design data Options: -h, --help display help for command Commands: run [options] <project> <file> run an importer definition script help [command] display help for command </cli> <WRAP center round todo 60%> Currently under development. </WRAP> ==== Install ==== <cli prompt="C:\> "> C:\> reposyd install -h Usage: reposyd install [options] <folder> create the default folder structure and installs required packages Arguments: folder root folder for the installation Options: -d, --database <database> name of the database (default: "reposyd.sqlite") -f, --force overwrite existing files and folders (default: false) --loglevel <level> set log level (default: "info") -p, --password <password> admin user password to be set --registry <registry> sets the registry for downloading RePoSyD (default: "") --apiversion <apiversion> sets the version for the package '@reposyd/server' to be installed (default: "latest") --appversion <appversion> sets the version for the application to be installed (default: "latest") --noapp skips the installation of required packages for the RePoSyD web application --noservice skips the installation of required packages for RePoSyD as a service --silent suppresses all outputs (default: false) --user name of the admin user --verbose displays detailed processing information (default: false) -h, --help display help for command </cli> ==== Member ==== <cli prompt="$ "> $ reposyd member -h Usage: reposyd member [options] [command] Manage team members at project level Options: -h, --help display help for command Commands: assign [options] <project> <account> Assigns a team member to a project list [options] <project> List team member in a project help [command] display help for command </cli> ==== Project ==== <cli prompt="$ "> $ reposyd project -h Usage: reposyd project [options] [command] Manage projects, e.g. create new project, open or close existing projects... Options: -h, --help display help for command Commands: add [options] <name> [template] adds a new project to the repository list [options] lists all projects in the repository status [options] <id> [status] returns or sets the project status help [command] display help for command </cli> ==== Repository ==== <cli prompt="$ "> $ reposyd repository -h Usage: reposyd repository [options] [command] Create new or manage existing repositories Options: -h, --help display help for command Commands: init [options] <folder> initializes a repository template manage project templates help [command] display help for command </cli> ==== Role ==== <cli prompt="$ "> $ reposyd role -h Usage: reposyd role [options] [command] Manage roles in a project Options: -h, --help display help for command Commands: disable [options] <project> <role> disables the specified role enable [options] <project> <role> enables the specified role list [options] <project> lists all roles in a project help [command] display help for command </cli> ==== Schema ==== <cli prompt="$ "> $ reposyd schema -h Usage: reposyd schema [options] [command] check, patch or provide information about the repository schema Options: -h, --help display help for command Commands: check [options] checks the schema of the repository info [options] provides information about the repository patch [options] [version] applies missing patches to the update the schema to the latest version update [options] updates the schema by applying all missing patches help [command] display help for command </cli> === Schema Check === <cli prompt="$ "> Usage: reposyd schema check [options] checks the schema of the repository Options: -p, --password <password> admin user password to be set -u, --user name of the admin user --url <url> url of the repository. If not specified, env variable REPOSYD_URL is used as default --verbose displays detailed processing information (default: false) -h, --help display help for command </cli> **Example** <cli prompt="$ "> $ reposyd schema check --url sqlite:d:\reposyd\database?database=reposyd.sqlite --verbose √ password · ************ warn: missing patches: 1 0.40.4 $ </cli> === Schema Patch === The patch command applies all missing patches to the repository specified by the given URL. <cli prompt="$ "> $ reposyd schema patch -h applies missing patches to the update the schema to the latest version Arguments: version the version number of the patch to be applied. If omitted, all missing patches will be applied. Options: --backup <folder> path to the folder for the backup files -f, --force overwrite existing backup files -p, --password <password> admin user password to be set --silent suppresses all outputs (default: false) -u, --user name of the admin user --url <url> url of the repository. If not specified, env variable REPOSYD_URL is used as default --zip zip backup files -h, --help display help for command </cli> === Schema Update === The patch command applies all missing patches to the repository specified by the given URL. <cli prompt="$ "> Usage: reposyd schema update [options] updates the schema by applying all missing patches Options: --backup <folder> path to the folder for the backup files -f, --force overwrite existing backup files -p, --password <password> admin user password to be set --silent suppresses all outputs (default: false) -u, --user name of the admin user --url <url> url of the repository. If not specified, env variable REPOSYD_URL is used as default --zip zip backup files -h, --help display help for command </cli> **Example** <cli prompt="$ "> $ reposyd schema update --url sqlite:D:\reposyd\database?database=reposyd.sqlite √ password · ************ info: writing backup file 'D:\reposyd\backup\2024-02-12_reposyd_before_patch_0.40.4.backup'... info: backup completed info: patch 1 of 1: updating to version 0.40.4 $ </cli> ==== Script ==== <cli prompt="$ "> $ reposyd script -h Usage: reposyd script [options] [command] Manage export and report scripts at project or repository level Options: -h, --help display help for command Commands: list [options] <project> list all scripts in a project or the repository help [command] display help for command </cli> ==== Server ==== <cli prompt="$ "> $ reposyd server -h Usage: reposyd server [options] [command] Manage local a RePoSyD REST API and web application server Options: -h, --help display help for command Commands: api [configfile] start the REST API server app [options] <folder> start the application (http) server help [command] display help for command </cli> ==== Service ==== <cli prompt="$ "> $ reposyd service -h Usage: reposyd service [options] [command] Manage RePoSyD as a Windows Service Options: -h, --help display help for command Commands: install [options] <folder> installs the service uninstall [options] <folder> uninstalls the service help [command] display help for command </cli> ==== Template ==== <cli prompt="$ "> $ reposyd template -h Usage: reposyd template [options] [command] Manage project and document templates Options: -h, --help display help for command Commands: compile [options] <file> compiles a template definition create [options] <type> [basetemplate] create a new template help [command] display help for command </cli> manual/cli/start.txt Last modified: 13 months agoby maho