====== Delivery Item ====== ^ID |DI | ^Title |Delivery Item - Delivery Items | ^Usage | A delivery item is used to define the deliverable of a work package as part of the project planning process. | ===== Required Roles ===== * Project Manager ===== Attributes ===== ^ID ^Type ^Default ^Title | Usage^ |number |String | | Number | | |title |String | | Title | | |description | Text | | Description | | |type |Enumeration |pending |Type | Determines the item type, e.g. Docuement, Drawing, Hardware,...| ==== Enumerations ==== === Type === ^Key ^Value ^Remarks ^ |cad |CAD-Data | | |dmu |DMU-Data |A Digital Mockup is based on CAD data. | |document |Document |Any type of document, expect drawings. | |drawing |Drawing | | |pending | pending | | ===== Links ===== ^Source ^ID ^Cardinality ^Target ^Remarks ^ |Delivery Item |producedby |one2many |[[metamodel:ddo:workpackage|Work Packages]] | | |Delivery Item |specifiedby |one2many |[[metamodel:ddo:requirement|Requirements]] |This link is part of the requirements tracebility matrix |