====== Installation ====== RePoSyD is released under [[https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html.en|GNU General Public License v3.0]]. You may download, install, redistribute and use RePoSyD the way you want, regardless of the type of work you'll do with it (commercial or non-commercial). \\ Permissions of this strong copyleft license are conditioned on making available complete source code of licensed works and modifications, which include larger works using a licensed work, under the same license. Copyright and license notices must be preserved. Contributors provide an express grant of patent rights. ===== System Requirements ===== ==== Operating Systems ==== RePoSyD can be installed on all operating systems supported by Node.js, such as Windows, Mac and Linux. ==== Web Server ==== RePoSyD requires a web server with a reverse proxy function, e.g. IIS with Application Request Routing, Apache or nginxMark text as key press. ==== Browser ==== Any browser from the last few years should work. Firefox, MS Edge or Chromium should be good to work with. ===== Installation Options ===== ==== Desktop / Laptop ==== This configuration uses [[manual:cli:start|RePoSyD's Command Line Interface]] to run the built-in web server, REST API server and web client on the same computer. {{:manual:installation:latop_en.png?0x169}} ==== Single Server ==== The single server configuration runs the RePoSyD's REST API as a service of the operating system. A web server (Window IIS, Apache, nginx) distributes the web application and acts as a reverse proxy preventing direct access to RePoSyD's REST API interface. {{:manual:installation:single_server_en.png?0x173|}} ==== Separated Server ==== The separated server configuration is similar to the single server configuration, with the exception that the REST API and web server are running on different servers. {{:manual:installation:separated_server_en.png?0x169|}}